[MP3] The Farewell Circuit: “Christmas Bird”

Am I jumping the gun? Probably. I also fear I’m stepping on Jamie’s toes a bit, as he’s had his Christmas features in the past, and I’m, well, Jewish (NO HE DI’N’T!). But who can ignore when The Farewell Circuit sends over a track they recorded a couple years ago in anticipation of […]

[MP3] Balmorhea: “Clamor”

I’m not really sure what to do anymore with Balmorhea. I’ve written so many posts about them and they continue to provide top-notch tunes with the same affect. I just don’t know what to say that I haven’t already said. So go ahead, read back a bit, I’m not rehashing words just for the […]


Nope, I’m not getting all biblical on you. Yes, this band has been around for ten years and I’m just now hearing about them. Nope, those two things have nothing to do with each other. Yes, there is definitely something wrong with me. Especially having not heard of Jonah before (…among other things, […]

Kate Miller-Heidke @ 9:30 Club

I really didn’t want to enjoy Kate Miller-Heidke‘s 45-minute set last night in Washington, D.C. My other concert reviews on this site have been full of praise and I wanted to write a scathing review; certainly the Australian’s quirky pop, which I had only limited exposure to prior to the show, couldn’t win me […]

[Hype Hype Hooray] Radio Killed the Blogosphere Star?

Every [two weeks?] Jamie Hale takes a long, hard look at the music industry and the blog scene that feeds it. Here, he releases those findings and makes snarky, sarcastic remarks. Admittedly, both Jamie and Knox Road are a part of this scene. So sue us.

Last week at work I mindlessly […]

[MP3] Fredrik: “White on White”

Well guys, I’m back from New Orleans for work and my, do I have some great new music to share with you. Thanks so much for your patience! It was a busy week, but I’ll be coming at you with several posts over the next few days.

On that note, there is little […]

[The Past Presents] Teenage Fanclub – “Songs From Northern Britain”

Like the short kid stuck in the back row of the fourth grade class photo, Teenage Fanclub quietly lurked around the fringe of the hugely popular bands of the 90’s, trying to squeeze themselves into the picture. Their name was known, but they never got the same recognition as their contemporaries. Radiohead and […]

[MP3] Hancock Basement: “One in a Million Does”

Nothing like some new, bouncy Australian pop from folks we’ve excitedly featured in the past. Hancock Basement remains unencumbered by genre trends, moving forward with their own brand of pop weirdness, oooh-ahhhs, and general likeability. They get me going on a day like today, where I need all the energy I can muster […]

Hey Rosetta! is touring. You should go.

Becoming one of my most listened to bands after watching this video a few months back, Hey Rosetta!, the Canadian troupe led by Tim Baker on vocals, is touring all over the Northeast with Sarah Harmer. So get yourselves out to see them! (Tour dates after the jump.)

It’s orchestral, sprawling indie pop/folk at it’s finest, very much in the Knox Road vein (well, MY vein… if you ever listened to our old radio show, you’d know Jamie and I have differing interests on the matter. All in good fun, though! We do share each other’s tastes quite often.).

Speaking of radio shows, I’m gonna give us a quick plug (I know, so shameless): we were recently featured on Hype Machine Radio – check it out here and learn about the origins of KR and our views on the blog in general. Big thanks to Hype Machine’s Dev for giving us the great opportunity to be part of the show.

Catch a recently released mp3, from this video recorded live at SXSW, along with an older gem below.

Hey Rosetta! – “New Goodbye” [MP3]

Continue reading Hey Rosetta! is touring. You should go.

Eureka Birds release Eureka! EP

Eureka Birds, a four-piece (sometimes fiver) band I included in my Memorial Day mix back in May, released a new EP today, titled Eureka! How ’bout that!

The Eureka crew, from Baltimore, has been around since 2006 making sweet, subdued pop, with a self-titled debut album and now the Eureka! EP under their name. Frontman Justin Levy, who often tours solo as “Eureka Bird” (see dates after the jump), employs a delicate falsetto above the wistful tunes, which were crisply produced by Tyler Watkins of The Margot & The Nuclear So and So’s. Swift cello strokes play a vital role on the piano-led songs, heightening the dreamy affect.

It’s an EP to turn to as the leaves fall, your life transitions, and your once blurry vision becomes ever so clear.

Eureka Birds – “There Was Light” [MP3]

Eureka Birds – “Cactus Man” [MP3]

Eureka Birds on MySpace

[Photo by Julie Massimini]

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