Knox Road’s Top Albums of 2014

KR Top Albums 2014 2

As usual, we asked Knox Road writers to provide their Top Albums of 2014. We’re excited to provide you with the results just in time for the new year! We’ve got some great lists and even better blurbs. Have a happy new year.

Continue reading Knox Road’s Top Albums of 2014

[soundscape] and bravely, i.

[ed. note: refer to the first “and bravely, i.” soundscape for context]

photo: andreia

song: brother courage – “growing old”

“i imagine yes is the only living thing.” — ee cummings

there is one still point in a turning world. one piece of clarity for each moment. one bright star, winking at […]

Hundreds: “Ten Headed Beast”

Hundreds new video for “Ten Headed Beast” is colorful and beautifully imagined, but the main reason why I’m posting it here is because I can’t stop listening to the song itself.

“Ten Headed Beast” is off the album Aftermath.